August 28? hey. im gonna go write a ch of hp longbottom, wish me luck brb ... that was exhausting lol. it took a liiiiiiiiiittle longer than I thought. i have a uh... plan. lmao. like primarily I write HP Longbottom to keep my brain functioning. It's a stupid sandbox for me to write whatever I want. But it's also more than that, you know I KINDA try to stick to some rules. Even if they're rules I made up myself. Rei is virtually immune to the Moon Prescence because she's from the Ravenclaw family, and the Ravenclaw bloodline *somehow* just opposes the Moon Presence, possibly because of their inherent traits. (and on the other hand, no House has done more against the Moon than Slytherin, who naturally trend toward it) But CHO CHANG is only *partially* immune, because unlike Rei, she's just in Ravenclaw *House*, which has a uh... inherent resistance to the Moon, AND she's ASIAN, which makes her really good at MATH which also directly opposes the CHAOS that is the ?Feminine? Moon Prescence. Some of that's vaguely based on like esoteric Julius Evola superfascism that I half-remember from reading Revolt years ago lmao but look, Revolt's a good book, and HP Longbottom is a good story about the power of Humanity and Love and uh, whatever bullshit i feel like Crabbe and Goyle, together, are unparalleled in strength, becoming CRAG. There is NOTHING who can delmao im making this up right now but it's also true. Nothing can stop Crag, AS Crag, but separate Crabbe and Goyle, and they're much weaker. Still strong, but much weaker. Ron? Useless on his own, but if he's proteccing Rei, his uhhhh whatever, hidden Sun Child power is unleashed, the same power that Chen Potter has, despite neither Harry nor Cho being a Sun Child like Ron. BUT, because Chen is THE HAPPAMAGE, he's also more gifted than an average Sun Child, even if not necessarily more powerful. WHAT IF Ron were to BREED REI, would they create an even greater wizard than Chen will be? Rei's surely more powerful than Cho due to her Ravenclaw blood, but is Ron REALLY stronger than Harry? What evidence do we really have of that? Ron might be stronger against the Moon, but Harry Potter's erm, The Boy Who Lived. He's The Man Who Lives. im using that at some point now. And what happened to Dumbledore? If Naked Dumbledore was a FAKE all along, then WHERE IS THE REAL ONE? And What the hell am I doing with Draco? Waow so many questions. I'm glad I can rely on Hermione to just pull some bullshit with the Time Turner at any given moment. anyway, ive gone on too long now. anything else? Dragon Quest Monsters: Le Dark Prince is really fun. they got rid of monster gender which at first was going to trigger me, but honestly, it streamlines it sooooooooo nicely. you know in 1, I've got like a dozen male monsters waiting for me to find a female for them and it's exhausting. Now, you just mix whatever you've got. It's so easy. And they're MONSTERS I can cope with them not being male or female. there's one that's literally a stack of flying dishes there's just no way it has a vagina or penis. And the game's nice, at the beginning you save an Elf girl and she decides she's going to stay by your side forever and it's such a "Men only want one thing" situation, she's so PLEASANT. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz anything else? Cyberfrog :3 EVS was selling Vyzpzz for $25 instead of $75 last night. He sold almost 400 of them in under half an hour lmao. I got one lol IT'S THE FORAGER, it HAS GREEN EYES. he made a new Cyberfrog 3 variant cover too, the lineart version of Heather Swain with her armpits EXPOSED, about to be hentai'd by larvae. A ONE-HOUR VARIANT. I'm not a variant guy, but it's neato, you know, it's a VIRGIN cover, no title or anything just the art, and it was 1 hour. Idr, I think he sold like $10k of it lol. i almost regret not getting one, but i mean, what, am i just going to start collecting variant covers of comic books? what am i, insane? there's MORE than enough wrong with me already. if i really regret it, ill get a $200 Red Frog Box. I wont regret it that much. Great stream though, love EVS, love Cyberfrog, really really looking forward to the new books. Zzzzzzzzzzz ok im gonna go ttyl. pl stake care, hab comfy day, God bless, fren August 3???? Kim Yeji is CUTE I want her to shoot me Sry hey hey. I hope you're well fren. I shouldn't have taken caffeine, I gave myself a headache. I got greedy. I guess I'm a stim goblin. I hate being tired. I don't want to talk about my health, even though I do want to whine and moan to you even though realistically I have way more to thank God for than I have to complain about. I got a new mattress. It's a little more firm. So far so good. And even though it's the same size, it seems like I can fit with my giant dog on it more easily. I thought she might have trouble jumping up onto it because it's thicker and now between it and the frame I'm like the princess and the pea with how high up I am. But no, dog flew right up onto it. I was going to make her some kind of platform. Uhhhhh... I'm so tired I hate it. Are you ever... Hm. Whatever. Anything else? Wizardbro got a hate email lol. I've thought a little about it, and IDK how id handle it. Worse than wizardbro did, I'm a very vindictive, vengeful person. I'd probably publish the email with their address in full and write an article about it I guessssss. But I'd also be funny about it like my only response to the email would be "do I have your permission to publish this email on my website?" And then when they say "no", id do it anyway and say "thank you, I've published your email here and may reply to it in the future." Then idk maybe I'd make fun of it. I've only gotten positive emails, which is always really nice. I don't deserve them but I like them. I dont want some seething retard sending me an email telling me his dumb opinion about me, so I'm sorry that it happened to wizardbro. We all love our wizardbro, we don't see him enough. Am I hungry?... What do I feel like... Maybe a yogurt. Brb... ... It was good. I don't like being tired... I vegged out to more Three Hopes today. It's fun but I have to stop because I'm going to just keep spoiling more of the Three Houses story. PPPPPPOKEMON Red? I'm on the ship rn. I'm glad the sailors all have water types for my Pikachu to feast on I AM HAPPY THANK YOOOOOU Uh. Nothing else rn, I need to kinda. Relax a little, I've been a different kind of unwell than usual lol I'm just so tired I'll ttyl Plz take care, have a happy day. God bless friend JULYYYY 30 I never liked penguin0. Ever since I heard him call that... Asian guy from the twitch :O face meme a garbage human and refuse to say his name, I just knew he wasn't a genuinely good person himself. Also I've always been annoyed at how his fans call him Charlie lol it's just so gay. I'm not GLAD this is happening to him, but uh. I don't care, it's 2024, enough already. It's already indefensible for adults, you can't get away with supporting it for children. "It's like choosing a sport" kinda reveals he's just like, a retard and has no idea how insanely anti-health the meme is, which is just like most people. So it's not uhhhh... You can't be mad at someone for being retarded. Or you have to at least be less-mad. *I* should be less-mad. I just want everyone to be ok, that's all. I think penguin's kinda like a basic bitch like a more attractive Ethan Klein, but so what? He can do good, he's obviously adored by his fans, uhhh... Just. Gotta learn what you're talking about so you don't promote a really really harmful practice being done to impressionable people. That's all Uhhhh. Hm. I worked out and slept so im still alive I think. I think I need a little coffee. I plaaaayed some Pokemon Red lol. I just zapped Misty. I never liked her as a kid. I don't know why. I think she's a low tier Pokegirl. Which is ABSURD on paper. A tomboy wearing short shorts and showing tummy? Why don't I like her? Maybe I was too young. I never really was in a position to give her a chance. I should rewatch Pokemon and see if I get hornylmfao I named my Pikachu Taira after Tatsuro Taira, one of my current favorite fighters. I AM HAPPY THANK YOOOUUU!! Originally, I was going to name him after Kai Asakura because he was the Rizin champion -- pronounced RAIzin like RAICHU get it? But I figured I've never even seen Kai fight, while I have seen Tatsuro, and I love him. So my Pikachu is Taira. He's been doing good work for me, just like he's doing in the UFC! Anything else? I put a game on my PSP last night as I was like, shambling around like a zombie. My PSP is probably my least-used console, ever. Ever. Even when I put a GBA emu on it, I still prefer my Chinese handhelds. When I was a kid, I stored a small amount of lewd media on it, and that was all I ever used it for. It feels like alien technology to me, I'm so unfamiliar with it. I was actually surprised that I managed to put a game on it. The problem is the card's only like 2 gigs. If I want to upgrade that, I'd have to go through the hassle of rehacking it wouldn't I? No? I actually have no idea. Who cares? Not me, I'm uh... Hm... Anyway. I'll ttyl. I might write a Longbottom later. I kinda just stupidly jumped into a Blue Archive arc but LOL. It has potential!!! I actually had to do research though hahahaahhaha I felt like I knew the game was made by a Korean company and the city l-- like I've seen some k dramas so I was kinda confident about the city, but the original voices were in Japanese, and I wanted to get around a uh... "Oh you're going to have these clones of a Korean girl speaking Japanese" and I. I did it. Because why the hell wouldn't Snape be required to select a language before entering the city? *I* had to when I started up the game. Ok that's enough. I'll ttttttyl pls have a comfy day God bless fren July...29 Lured back to Blue Archive with 100 free recruitments, only got 3 new girls. Feels bad 🥲 too lazy to play though. Hope you're well fren Uhh, Mario Star Road is really good. Again, some bullshit platforming, it doesn't feel quite as fair as the original game but BUT, it's pleasant so far. The levels are neato. Tony Ferguson's fighting on Saturday, that's craaaazy 😭 pls win and retire. Who else... Sandhagen vs Nurmagomedov Sandhagen's one of a handful of fighters I don't like lol. Why? He ironically referred to himself as deep. And not just that but "deeper" than normal people, like erm religious people. Because he reads books like Dune. You may remember my review of the Dune series. They're OK books. They're also some of the most reddit books imaginable, and in a special way where a midwit will partially understand them and be delighted, with takeaways like "Wow, this shows why fascism is bad..." and "Baron Harkonnen is just like Donald Trump..." Anyone who understands Dune perfectly, like me, knows they're just OK books. Dune is better than its fans, but it's still not lotr in space. And that's why I want Nurmagomedov, an IRL Fremen, to DESTROY Sandhagen and show him what Dune's really all about. The -- I just distracted myself with a Josie video. I... Subscribed to her YouTube SHEEP_XING... Her streams are comfy and. She went bowling the other day and said it felt like she was in the trenches and she couldn't figure out why her car wasnt moving (it wasn't on) Is it over for me? Look I didn't watch long I just had it on for a minute. I-- it's the YouTube shorts, I was also mind_broken into subbing to some anz girl who just dances really well and she's cute and it's so over. I'm gonna start watching vtubers too. I don't CARE Anyway... I'm really tired. I didn't sleep well. So izzzzzzzz I'M SO TIRED I DON'T LIKE IT I DON'T LIKE BEING TIRED I DON'T L I'll ttyl later. Pls take care. God bless fren Julyyyyyy... 28 really heartening to see Muslims speaking out against the anti-Christian Olympics opening. For some reason today I'm just seeing an uncommon amount of anti-God trash lmao. Everywhere I turned in the Internet there was some schmuck disrespecting either God, Christians, or Priests. Very WEIRD day, it was pretty uh... lame. For the Olympics scandal, I might write a separate post for it, but idontreallycare about the Olympics, it's just interesting that it happened. Very happy to see the overwhelmingly critical response to it, though, and again, it warms the heart to see Muslims standing up for us too. What else... "To prevent spam, we have a 10 comment per day limit. Please try commenting again tomorrow!" That's so obnoxious lmao. Fuck neocities tbh. I might stop supporting nex-- actually, yeah, I'm going to stop supporting next month. What am I paying for? I can't post 10 times? lmao. I know "it's not supposed to be social media", but so what? Instead of crippling a function of the website, how about just adding the ability to hide people's posts? You know what I do when I see too much of someone in my feed? I unfollow them. What if... what. if... I could just *hide* them instead for a bit? That way I don't have to lose track of their site, but also don't have to cope with too much of them. Maybe my memory is fuzzy but I feel like that's a basic feature of just about every newsfeed in existence. What a concept, a feed that's even-slightly customizable. Whatever. I agree with the *spirit* of it, in order to ... "encourage" people to work on their websites. But no one actually likes having their communication options crippled. And I especially don't like having a gay little message telling me I can't post. Try again tomorrow! Tee-hee! What are the supporter benefits again... mhm. How much do I really even like my domain name? lmao AHHOO HOOO HO HO HO HOOOO. Let's see... if I go back to Wordpress... I could link-up my Neocities account there somehow anyway, I know I could. I'll look at that later, I think I'm getting tired of Neocities. Oh mommy, Bruna Brasil is cuuuute [caught myself hornyposting about Bruna Brasil] Seeing Molly McCann's dumb mug should calm me down. Such a stupid ugly-- Here we go, the battle of Beauty and the Beast lmao, okok ill be back later... ... okay, 30-27 Bruna. She started getting tired, but she was clobbering Molly with body shots and was way better in the grappling. Judges will probably gift Molly round 3. let's see... Ahhh, Bruna's with the Fighting Nerds? Man they're unstumpable lately. Okay, only 1 judge incorrectly gave Molly r3, not bad. Bruna's so FUC--sry. ... kk fights are all over. Good card, glad Belal won. Dominant 4-1 decision, lost 1 round because his dumb ass got reversed and body triangled, so he had to spend the round defending his neck. Other than that, ez pz. Only one judge got it right, the others gave him 3-2 because Leon managed to get back on top in the last 30 seconds of the 5th after being controlled the whole round. It's pretty funny that Belal Muhammad walked into England and beat their champion. MMAGuru's not too upset since Leon is black, but he still hates Musl-- I mean, Belal, so I'm glad he's having a ruff time. :^) Tom Aspinall had another dOoooOominant performance, pretty cool. I was lightly rooting against him just because it'd break MMAGuru's heart, BUT-- I love seeing a hype train go on, I don't like seeing them derailed. It's cool that there's this UNSTOPPABLE HEAVYWEIGHT. I don't know who can beat him. Blaydes seemed like he'd be his toughest test, and he STILL beat him in under a minute. You look at the top 10 heavyweights, and Tom's literally beaten half of them--the top half--aaand what else... Stipe's going to retire... who's left? Derrick Lewis? lmao anything is possible. There's still CIRYL GANE, but after Jones beat Gane in ... what, 2 seconds? idr, what's the value in that win? Defeating a Jon Jones victim? Whaaaaaaatever. Good for Tom, possible future GOOOAAATTT??? No, because Belal "Remember The Name" Muhammad is the Real Colby Covington, the Real Kamaru Usman, the Real Benoit Saint Denis, the Real Georges St. Pierre and everyone WILL remember his name as the GREATEST mixed marzzzzzz zzzzzz Vidya? Uh. Mario. Star Road or whatever, is pretty good. It's not obnoxiously trying to be spooky like B3313, so that's nice. It actually has some pretty hard(bullshit and unfair) platforming, so that's nic--no, that's not nice, it's bullshit. But overall, fun so far. It's nice these exist. I started another Zelda oneee... ...The Sealed Palace. It actually kinda sucks so far lmao. You start out in a jail and you have to sneak past guards. Remember how FUN it was sneaking past guards in Ocarina? Joy. I'm being unfair, it's visually very nice and uh... I think it'll get better. Is that it?...I think that's it. Please take care of yourself, aaaaaand... have a warm day. God bless, fren July...26 hey fren i hope you're well today. I'm too lazy to grab my laptop so I'm writing this on my phone. it's actually a really great idea, maybe the greatest idea ev-- anyway... vidya? i played a bit moar of that creepypasta Mario hack. I was never huge into creepypasta, and I dooont really love it in this hack, but i do *appreciate* it. like that story about a haunted majoras mask cart was always-- it's fun to act like it's real imo. like in order to extract fun from creepypasta you really have to commit and make it reality. i used to get annoyed at people who would say that Slenderman isn't real lmao like no shit you miserable stupid fucking retard but 1- you are ruining everyone's time and 2- yes he is real i saw him when I was walking in the woods So if I tell you that I'm playing a haunted copy of Mario 64, that's what I'm doing. Yeah I realize me demanding that you play along with my fantasy Sounds A Lot Like A Certain Other Thing That's Going On In Society At The Moment, but I'm not mutilating your genitals, I'm just trying to get you to have a fun spooky time with me. Ben DROWNED, he didn't hang himself. anyway... oh also i played the ocarina hack "the missing link". it was INCREDIBLE. short, only a few hours, but just sooo much fun, a short sweet story that i now consider canon, a good dungeon, good original music, some new items, a lot of really neato ideas. Some parts of it I know would have given lesser minds a hard time, but for me? Nah, it was a total joy from beginning to end. it was just very... it felt great. i felt like a kid playing it. it was nowhere near ocarina or majora overall, but it was like a smol taste of them. and that's a great experience. i hope other hacks are at least close to this good. uhhhh... anything else? i worked out? that's not blog worthy. but I feel half decent physically. I'm kinda exhausted and an emotional shell lmao uh... idk. i really don't. I'm in a very unique time in my life. I've had a very blessed life, but I do have a lot of regrets. When you think back at how much bullshit women actually tolerate when they're in love with you, and how terrible you(me I'm talking about me) to everyone you've ever claimed to love, it's enough to make you want to disappear. I don't.. Everything will be fine. At. I'll try my best, try my best to realize when I'm lying about trying my best, and give the rest to God. I can cope if He knows I'm not trying to be as fucked up as I am. Hm. Anyway. Lmao I uhh... What's next? Pokemon? 🥴uhh.. clover version hasn't gotten stale yet somehow. But it's really just... It's Pokemon with Happy Merchants, and like cum and poop pokemon and characters calling you faggot or rapist. lol. A lot of the designs are serious and actually really cool or cute but. but BUT. But nothing I don't know, it's good. Maybe dragon quest has taken the RPG spirit out of me for a bit. I wish the Mario hack was less weird and more niicechuvgihfhchfug. Don't forget UFC tomorrow. I'm going I'll ttyl Pls take care, God bless fren