idk who this is but she's cute and she has a knife

I got a new knife. I don't think I'm a knifefag, it's just that I've been carrying the same knife for 8 years and I TRIED OUT a newer version. Almost the same, but assisted opening. It's meh, it's aight(just in terms of uh, "newness", but it's still a freakin great knife) But NOW Ilol I got ANOTHA one, and it's prettyyy great. See, the problem with the first newer one is that it's still very smol, only like a 2.whatever inch blade, and the spring for the assist is so strong, that if you're not holding it tightly--which is tricky because it's so smol--it'll require a little too much force to open than it should and also jerk a bit. Because it's a smol knife, you understand? In other words, the original manual open version ACTUALLY REQUIRES LESS FORCE to open than the "assist"! Isn't that something?

BUT: the NEW NEW one is uh... bigger. So the spring isn't like, too silly, it feels appropriate for its size. You can grip it more easily in your hand, so it's easier to press the switch and cope with the uh, recoil. And it's not too big, the blade's still under 4 inches, the good-boi limit in many states.

There's a delicate balance you have to... remember. With errday carry knives. A lot of guys walk around with Cold Steel pocket-swords dreaming of slaying a dragon(you know) to protect a princess. And it's a nice dream, but it's also so unlikely that it doesn't justify the space it takes up in your pocket. And it's not really good to be fantasizing about getting into fights.

That's why the origin-- btw, the CRKT SQUID is the knife. I think it's basically perfect for a uh... normal person, who's probably going to cut open a lot of boxes and not slay any dragons.

The original CRKT Squid is perfect, but it's also a little smol. Sometimes it might be better to have something a little longer, depending on where you're going. Like if you have to worry about wild animals or pit bulls. But knives aren't really self-defense weapons against other humans unless one single guy is already on top of you with his pants off, in front of a street camera. It's always better to pee your pants and run away screaming. Even if you live in a free state and carry a gun, depending on the color of your assailant you might be better off shooting yourself. What's the old saying? "I'd rather be carried by 6 than be judged by state-funded domestic terrorists pretending to be equality activists"

If you do have a will to live though, you might as well have an extra inch on your knife while still keeping it smol. I think too many people are uh. Idk, in a defensive, apologetic mindset about knives though. "THEY'RE TOOLS NOT WEAPONS!" Yeah but don't say that, it kinda detracts from the idea that people should be carrying around weapons. Unless you live in a 3rd world country like England, you have a right to carry a knife. They're primarily tools, absolutely, but if you're ever ambushed by... a single homeless schizo, they can save your life. You and I have seen enough streetcam vids of New Yorkers being murdered where if the white liberal cuck had been carrying a knife he would have at least survived.

That said, I really don't think it's healthy to be fantasizing about self-defense situations. It'll probably make you too eager and you'll ruin your life by killing a future-astronaut trying to mug you, when the law says you have to turn out your pockets for him.

HOWEVER, it's probably a REALLY GOOD idea to fantasize about defending yourself from wild animals. I've talked about this before: a DISTURBING amount of men, particularly British men, don't believe they can defeat a goose in combat. Something like 1/2 of British men don't think they could beat up a goose. That's INSANE. So imagine how badly they'd be raped by animals that are actually dangerous.

I'm not saying you'll stop a grizzly bear, but when a fully-grown man is carrying a knife, he can absolutely defend himself from animals like some wild dogs and cats. Maybe even geese.

In 2018, an emaciated mountain lion attacked an obese black woman and a jewish man riding their bikes in Seattle. Intially attacking the man, it ran away from him after he threw his bike at it. It came back and pounced on the woman as she tried fleeing, ripping her fat ass off her bike.

The "man" abandoned her as the mountain lion dragged her into the woods to eat her. When the police arrived, they killed the mountain lion, but the woman was long dead.

This incident would not have ended tragically if either or both of the cyclists had been carrying a knife.

A happier example of Man vs Cat happened the very next year, when a runner defended himself from a mountain lion, choking it to death with his foot. This is a much better representation of a man fighting a wild animal, since it's a man actually fighting. He got badly roughed up, but he still survived and killed it. Having a way to inflict immediate grievous stabbing wounds on the animal probably would have made the fight for his life easier.

That's it. Unless you want to get Bad Ending'd by a stupid cat of all things, always carry a knife, a multitool with a knife, or a Swiss Army knife. Anything that doesn't take up too much space in your pockets but can be used to ward off or destroy some kind of dumb 4-legged creature trying to eat you. Unlike a condom, you'd always rather have a knife in a situation that calls for it.