I don't have the energy rn to do the page properly, I'll work on it here and there.
Localizers are scum that make-worse everything they touch, and it's great that they will be replaced by AI in our lifetime.
Laaaater I'll add some more fun examples of poor(typical) English localization and DEBUNK a few localization-apologist arguments about why they're ackshually necessary even though for longer than You or I have been alive, fans have been correctly-translating Eastern media into English, instead of changing it(localization)--which is what people overwhelmingly prefer. That's probably because sometimes writers are good writers and localizers are never writers at all.
Before I leave this draft which I'll never finish, something that's in my head rrn is that Ruida's Tavern from Dragon Quest was changed to "Patty's Party Planning Place" in English, which is already hideous sounding and turns a comfy tavern into something that sounds like fucking Weenie Hut Junior's, but what makes it worse is that the reason Ruida had her named changed to Patty was because of the character Patty from The Simpsons, with another character named Roxanne being changed to "Sellma" after Selma, Patty's sister in The Simpsons. So instead of a woman being allowed to have a normal, human name, she has to become a fucking pun based off of an American cartoon that the localizer enjoyed-- not the audience actually playing the fucking game. since they'd be about 10 years younger and by no means the Simpsons generation. Which obviously kinda deboonks the idea that localizers are doing anything for the benefit of the local audience. We're told the reason why localizers are super-necessary is for the sake of clarity. Does the name Roxanne confuse you? If you came across a woman named Ruida in a tavern in Dragon Quest, would you be paralyzed by her name, unsure of what to do?
But no, because there may exist in a game inside jokes/memes and references from Japan which American and European audiences might not necessarily understand, TOTALLY UNRELATED changes MUST be made to the game.
For the benefit of English-speakers, somehow, characters can't have original names like "Roxanne", that's way too CONFUSING. No, localization names have to be taken from The Simpsons, or even better, be faggy anti-religious insults.
That's just what localization is. Editing dialogue, names, any and everything about a story under the false pretense of making it more understandable. Because sometimes there's no possible exact-translation from one Japanese word to one English word, instead of just translating it as-closely-as-possible and allowing people to use context clues to understand what's going on, just fuck it, write whatever you want.
When a character says "Who knows, really!" change it to "All property is theft, kid."
Anyway, fuck all localizers, Dragon Quest ones in particular rn, it's fucking astounding how bad-- and look, not *all* the time. But the time when they're not doing a terrible job is when they're just taking the already-existing-story, and presenting it to you in a language you understand. The problem with localizers is that they seem to think they're writers, and the kind of person who will shamelessly write over someone else's work is not going to be the kind of person who really has anything interesting or cool to say. Localizers should not be so fucking bad at a simple job--whether they admit it or not, it is indeed a simple job, which is why so many fans of series do superior work as a hobby--that their entire profession has such a terrible reputation.
"Patty's Party Planning Place." Fuck off.
Here's the localizers of Dragon Quest. SHLOC(K). Even their name basically means "shitty job", and they're supposed to be like, English experts, right? It's like a fucking joke.
anyway, thankfully Yes, They Will Be Replaced, so whatever lol :')