Anti-Christian Video Games Aren't Smart

I want to write about 2 games. A fairly intelligent one and a fairly stupid one. Neither are as smart or cool or handsome as me. They are The Talos Principle and Days Gone, two very different games.

Both are good games. The Talos Principle is a very satisfying puzzle game and Days Gone is a fun zombie-survival game. Both are anti-Christian, but in very different ways. One disrespects our faith, the other attempts to critique it.

Days Gone is the easy one to start with because at least it doesn't try to be clever. Anyway, the game includes:

Death by a thousand cuts. Tiny little disrespects that Christians are expected to tolerate. Maybe I could have dealt with burning the church down and Christianity being portrayed as a weakness, if the only man in the game who says "I believe in God" wasn't portrayed as a complete piece of shit.

Am I going somewhere with this? Not really. Frankly I'm just tired of modern writers being such bugbrained, hateful pieces of shit that they can't even write anything that at least isn't openly disrespectful toward Christians. If I were writing an atheist character in my newest book I wouldn't make him a stupid asshole with no redeeming qualities. And I surely wouldn't make his atheism a plot point just for me to attack it. Ayyyyyy whatever lmao.

The Talos Principle at least doesn't have you burning any churches. Instead, it merely asks you to defy and kill a digital God and suggests that you cannot be a true "human" unless you do. After all, humans were "meant" to defy God, that's what "free will" is, right? You can't just use your free will to NOT defy God, that would be ridiculous.

The "Serpent" is, of course, portrayed in the best light possible. He's merely a curious, innocent boy, who knows that God is trying to hide something from you. He has all the facts and logic on his side, and it's crystal-clear that everything he's saying about the world is correct. Indeed, God is trying to prevent you from escaping the digital world to the real world: you "transcend" in the game when you defy and kill God.

As a science-fiction story it's not bad at all, but when I think about atheists gleefully masturbating themselves because they think it fairly tackles Christianity (as I have read in discussions of the game) it makes me want to put my fist through a wall. The player character of course has no reason to obey God--because YOU are the player character. You know that the "God" in the game is not the God in real life who you believe in. You can recognize you're in a computer simulation, not just because you literally are, but because of the glitches you will routinely see throughout the game. There's plenty of goofy answers to this like "W-well how can YOU have any more reason to believe in God than the robot from the game?" Gee I dunno. I guess a good start would be that I know I'm playing a video game when I'm playing a video game. If that doesn't give me a total advantage, it gives me some. Unless I want to just dive into useless solipsism and start questioning reality. I don't. Sure, the ROBOT of the game, without my mind behind it, might have just as good of a reason to believe in God as I do. But even then, not really, because the game can't even try to fairly portray God.

Eve being tricked into eating from the tree after being forbidden to, while living in a paradise, just isn't quite the same as a robot being reasoned into eating from the tree by a genuinely well-meaning Serpent AI in a computer-world that has nothing else to do BUT defy God, with little hints everywhere that God isn't even actually a god.

And I can't blame the writers for thinking it's the same, because this is what heathens actually believe. Really basic-bitch stuff like "it would be boring in Heaven, all the rock stars are going to hell!!" or "the Devil gave us free will and taught us to be curious!!"

It's fine to believe that, but it's ANNOYING that so many people think Christians can't answer such stupid points. As if rock stars are allowed to play their guitars in Hell, or you couldn't be curious and learn and grow without disobeying the ONE SINGLE RULE that God gave you in the Garden of Eden.

Shut up, idiot.

I've played Talos Principle once before when I was a hardcore atheist, and of course I thought it was just pure brilliance. Now I see that even though it's intelligently written, it's not impressive to a learned Christian. And it should be, since it's trying to be a materialist/humanist counter to Christianity.

Anyway, that's it. I had to uninstall Days Gone mostly because of what I listed.

It's not like I'm a shneowflake, because I can actually stomach The Talos Principle. But if you're going to try to pile on more anti-Christian shit than what popular-culture is already trying to force-feed me on a daily basis, you'd better at least have fun puzzles to solve.

Days Gone might be the most poorly-written game I've ever played. The Talos Principle might be the best. Neither stack up to God 😏

At least I don't have to put up with this in Mario and Zelda, right? 😒