Wheat Fragility

I was just playing Pokemon Stadium, and kicking ass in the ROCK HARDEN minigame, and it reminded me of something that isn't hard at all.

Wil Wheaton.

Wil Wheaton is a guy who's famous for playing an annoying kid on Star Trek or something. I'm going to shit on him a little rn because I think there's a VERY GRAVE, SERIOUS, DEEPLY TROUBLING AND HORRIFYING problem in society, and idk what to call it but it's Wil Wheaton, and people like him. Wheat people.

Wil Wheaton is the kind of white nigger who will write an essay about "White Fragility" and then have an extended mental breakdown when a comedian hits Elmo, the puppet from Sesame Street.

After Larry David assaulted Elmo (who is a puppet), Wil wrote a Facebook post about how traumatized he was by the attack. I was going to get a screenshot of the unhinged rant to send to my friend, but to my HORROR, even with the post GENEROUSLY zoomed out, I couldn't get his entire screed in one screenshot, or even two. So I actually just gave up and didn't send the whole thing.

I couldn't be bothered to SPAM my poor friend with Wil Wheaton's entire freakout over a children's TV show puppet being jokingly attacked by a comedian.

Not only meaningful, but DEEPLY meaningful. AND important. Has any poor fuck ever needed Jesus more than Wil Wheaton? Well not so fast, because ack-shually, of course, wheat people don't like Christianity.

Wil Wheaton wrote a blog post about how "fragile" Christians(especially WHITE ones!!!) are. I don't remember what he was complaining about, maybe that Christians don't like the psuedoscientific depiction of Jesus that he posted at the top of his article, which wheat people like to claim is "what Jesus REALLY looked like, according to SCIENTISTS!" for the sole purpose of bothering Christians(especially WHITE ones!!!)

Anyway, for fuck's sake, just look how he opens this post about OTHER PEOPLE being "fragile".

This is your brain when you don't have God. Our entire lives we've been gaslit into believing "religious trauma" is a thing, when it obviously isn't. But what is certainly real is *irreligious trauma*. Look at this fucking guy. "My trauma, my trauma, my trauma." The Church didn't turn him into this. So what did? When someone hates GOD, they'll cling to anything else. Puppets, themselves. Anything, with an intensity that should be reserved for a man's faith. Wheat people will insist that they're REALISTS and lovers of LOGIC and REASON while they fall to pieces when a toy gets playfully struck by an old man.

All men have passion. Everyone worships. Wheat people worship Elmo. And the fruits of Elmo-worship are, what? Blog posts about how traumatized you are because everyone else is fragile? What a worthless religion.

If Wil Wheaton and I had to survive on an island together, I'd have to spend half my time stopping him from killing himself. What a fucking baby.