08/29 I'm afraid
I know you are unaware
But I'll tell you I'm afraid
I'm Afraid is another song from Genius: A Rock Opera. Is it related to this post at all? No, not really. I just remembered it because I randomly picked out this screenshot of Prince of Qin.
Actually lol watch me make it related.
The lyrics are choice Inglese, complete ASL. In the song, in the narration after the song. But you know what's nice about them? You understand the intention of every last line. Even look at Fu Su's dialogue in that screenshot. A little off, but for both I'm Afraid and Prince of Qin, I don't have to PONDER about the words for half an hour to figure out different things they could have possibly meant. That's called GOOD WRITING.
DUSTBORN on the other hand, is SHEEEEEEEIT. It's written like roight propah SHIT. And what do we do with sheeeit 'round these parts? We rewrite it.
Man, I'm listening to I'm Afraid rn, I hope you are too, it's such a good song. Daniel Gildenlow's voice is so beautiful. Idk any of the other singers, but they're good too. Especially the King--
King McChaos btw LOL. What a name.
In this song we also hear MAINDREAM, who I guess is like the leader of the uh... Dream Senate? And controls their military. Or, as Dustborn would call them, their Powerful Military Police.
Anyway, Maindream take-- talk about I'M AFRAID, there's a thunderstorm and I don't want to lose this friggin post.
Let's just get on with it already...
Here's the trash we'll be rewriting again. Let's look at it together, pls open it on the side and we'll dive right in.
Now if we assume the attempt was *aimed at John*, amd Jackie was killed as a result of it, my original rewrite doesn't work-- she wasn't assassinated, and even if *legally* she would have still been considered murdered, that's not the *message* we're trying to convey, so that's not what we're going to write.
The attempt was solely against John, *not* Jackie, or at least *primarily* John, with disregard for Jackie's life. And we're presuming that because it makes my life easier-- I'm surely putting more thought into this than the original writers.
So, with this new interpretation, what's wrong with the original script?
"after an assassination attempt killed his wife"
The emphasis here is placed not on the assassination attempt, but on it killing his wife. What, if the attempt *hadn't* killed his wife, he wouldn't have founded Justice? She was the straw that broke the camel's back?
More than any other interpretation I can think of, this actually makes the original script closest to not sucking. But does it not suck? No, it does still suck, and explaining John's spiral into a dark place isn't what we want to do with our limited space here *not matter what*.
So what's the message we want to convey? John founded Justice after an attempt on his life failed, and only killed his wife. The *entirety of the event* is the cause of him finding Justice, not *just* that it killed his wife. (That would need another new rewrite)
So let's do it then... We'll use my first rewrite as a base, since it's immediately superior.
"Justice is a federal police force established in 1964 by President John F. Kennedy following an assassination attempt against him which resulted in the death of his wife, Jackie.
After "The Broadcast" of (date), Justice placed the American Republic under martial law which has continued to this day."
There. That's it. This change makes it clearer that the founding of Justice wasn't after "an assassination attempt killed his wife" (with all the different ways there are to interpret that), but that the founding of Justice was after *an assassination attempt*, which happened to fail, and instead kill his wife. The focus can't be on the wife's death, it'd muddy how we're saying Justice was created.
Frankly, we miiiiiight even be able to take out the mention of Jackie's death entirely. How relevant is it? She's the President's wife, of course she's important, but WHY are we talking about JACKIE in the introduction to JUSTICE? How important to the story are you going to make John and Jackie? Are we ever even going to hear about them again?
No? In that case, scrap Jackie's death entirely. No, she *didn't* die, John just founded Justice after an assassination attempt on him. That's the ONLY motivation he'd need. His wife didn't have to die for him to have cause to create this new police force, and you're not even trying to tell me that her death really affected him so deeply that he became a dictator or created a baby-blue and white uniformed Natzee police force.
Unless you ARE trying to tell me that. But you know what? I've given this trash too much of my time.
That's all, fuck this writer. This was probably written by an entire team of "writers", actually. Imagine that team.
Anything else? Uhhh... idk, HP Longbottom later, maybe. I'll try. Imagine if I cared about my own writing as much as the slop in the video game I'm never even going to play.
Still, this was a fun post, right? It was good for me. Was it good for you?
I wonder what Genius song I can somehow post about next time? Only time will tell. Oh maaaan, I'm reading some of the story, it's just got so much HEART. There's a spirit to it that Dustborn-level writers will never get. And it's one that eludes me, too.
It's the thing that makes words beautiful.
Aiiiight, that's enough out of me for now. Ttyl. Pls take care and have a comfy day. God bless, fren.
Why are devices not designed to be held by humans?
I got a Galaxy tablet because they were on sale, and I'm always looking for an easier way to not-actually-draw-anything and it's neato, but holding on to it is like, insane.
How can something that weighs 0lbs and is the size of a notebook be so cumbersome? Because the entire thing is a screen that does things when your fingers touch it, that's why. So it might as well weigh a hundred pounds.
And it's so SLIPPERY too, why WHY IS EVERYTHING SO SLIPPERY? PHONES, TOO, but now I've got this BIG slippery thing(heh)
I think I'd have a harder time holding on to a bar of soap in a prison shower while larger men are actively trying to take it from me.
Anyway, i just downloaded the best-rated free drawing app and doodled this masterpiece real to start getting a feeeeel of things.
I was going to draw another character, but for some FOR SOME REASON, none of the selection tools were working in the app I was using-- uh... Sketchbook. Which is a shame because I was really liking it. But uhhh. Selection tools are pretty important.
So this is all I didlol. I briefly checked out "PENUP", this preinstalled one that... seeeems to be ok, but I have to get uuuused to it now, when I was just staaaarting to like Sketchbook, it's more invoooolved than Sketchbook.
Sketchbook is really neat. I wi-- OK, NOW it's working. Now I'm the asshole. But I PROMISE you, originally it wasn't.
I'm glad. PENUP seems fine, but I like uh, simplicity. I'm not an artist lmao, as you can see. I basically just want MS Paint, aaand uh... layers are nice, too. And Sketchbook has layers. So all good.
Iiii... you know, this isn't re-- I'm not saying I'm good, but I promise I'm better than this, it's jUST A DOODLE. I uh... lmao
Anyway, I'm going to try to draw more. But also uh, learn to draw better, not just like, retarded ugly shit that I've been doing my entire life. I WAS LEARNING before I moved and got sick. I was subbed tooo... Proko, aaand... that art mommy i cant remember who says to never use white backgrounds(edit: something-brak?), which i used here beecause I just wanted to make a quick shitty test doodle i promise.
I can draw some mean nude figures. dont ask me to draw clothes. or faces in profile. you know what? no faces, period. or hands. or uh, anything at all really.
Anyway i like this tablet, i need to getttt used to it. Sketchbook has a "your big man hands will not register accidental lines" modes, so that's cool. uhhh... you think this was just a retard-buy and im not actually going to draw more? hmm. well I'll show you! I'm gonna live out my elementary school dreams and GIT GUD at art, you'll see! i've got nothing better to do rn, i can barely do anything. doctor visit was pretty good today, in 3 months they're goingg go camera down muh throat if I'm not feeling better. i had that done to me as a kid, it wasn't that bad. uh. i just want to feel better, that's all.
Anything else? speaking of retard buys, i got Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince on switch because it was like the last ooooone. aaaaaaaaand, im enjoying 1 so muuuuuuuuuch, i figured i better just get this because, you know, the world is going to end soon anyway and it wont be possible to order things from amazon for a while after the Imperial Russo-Chinese Army conquers us, despite the best efforts of our trans drone operators saying "that's such a gemini thing"
i dont care. it doesnt matter
Since I've been writing so much of the stupid HP Longbottom story, that rly good song from The Evil Within popped in my head-- Long Way Down
suuuuuuuch a good song. Good game, too. Not great, but maybe really good. A lot done right. I don't like gore, at all, but it had a solid amount of psychological & ghostgirl horror too, the two most important kinds. It was an experience.
I didn't play much of 2, my PC at the time couldn't handle it well, and idk if it can now, but I can't be bothered to download a howevermanygig game when I'm perfectly content with classic game and anime girl games under 10gigs. actuallyryza2and3arealotmorebutillcrossthatbridge
uhhh... that's it, right? im so tired. i think my head hurts.
oh uhtrhftgh lets see... wizardwaifubro has ch3 of Mil-Sim Story so that'll be nice. and lesserwordbro posted a bunchofstuff ill seelater
im gonna go, i dont feel great. i feel like uh, this girl lmao i have a headache a bit, and my stomach, as always, hurts, so imgonna gooooooooo aaaand... ill ttyl, right?
pls take care and have a comfortable day. pls pray for me if you want.
God bless,fren
We just can't
Change the event
I'm so sorry my friend
But no, we can't change your fate
Hey friend, I hope you're feeling well today. I hope I can focus on writing this, I'm actually listening to the song Save Me From My Destiny.
It's from a rock opera about a guy trapped in the world of dreams. The song's about a doll who's doomed to be destroyed-- she's going to be used for a dream, like everyone and everything else.
The girl's voice is beautiful. So is the main character-- I don't remember the singer who plays him. But his uh... I forgot what they're called, but the guy who's in charge of his dreams is voiced by Daniel Gildenlow from Pain of Salvation. He's got an amazing voice, it was my favorite band in high school.
I wanted to uhh... before I forget, let me give you a POKéUPDATE, that's really important.
I used mGBA to trade with myself a little LOL. So I don't know for sure, but this might be the first time I've ever had an Alakazam or a Gengar. That feels weird, like SURELY I must have had them before somehow, right? But I legitimately don't remember any trades I made with any friends. I only knew a fewww people who had a link cable. One was--oh, my friend STEVEN. He wassss... a good guy. He looked out for me when I was young. I always felt cool because I got to hang out with the older kids. We lost touch before high school though. I loved going over to his house, he had anotherrr friend who was a little older than him, and I thought he was the coolest guy in the world. I remember we were playing Ocarina of Time at that guy's house, and he noticed I was staring at Saria a little too long and he 100% correctly said "You've got a crush on her." I denied it, and he didn't press me even though he knew. How could he blame me anyway, Saria is perfect.
Uh... Pokemon? Was that what I wa-- oh, I was going to like, title this post "SOMAmon" or something, and talk about people's struggle to save their Pokemon from dying. I wrote about that in HP Longbottom earlier lol.
I understand the sentiment. Like if I had a very easy choice of 2 buttons to press, 1 of them just made a copy of my Pokemon to a new machine, while the other one "ackshually" MOVED *them*, not just a perfect copy of them. Whatever that means for data.
Obviously we all want the original.
I think Pokemon's a great little ... example of the issue that the great game SOMA tackles: copying yourself vs moving yourself. And others, too.
In SOMA, people's brains are copied and pasted into robots and servers for the preservation of Humanity(kinda, but long story). It's a totally seamless experience for the copy, they had no idea it happened. But the person who was copied still is going to die. Like a Pokemon in a Gen 1 or 2 cartridge when the battery dies, unless they're somehow moved to a new cart or a PC. And even then, we have to face the question of "lol wat, this is just data."
Even if you want to tell me that "someday, totally" human brains will be copyable to create sentient mind-clones of us, you cannot tell me that my Gengar has feelings.
And if my Gengar doesn't have feelings, what's the real difference between me having an "original" that's "kept alive" by a Gameboy cartridge, or a convenient copy of him on a PC? No, first of all, he's a GHOST Pokemon anyway. Okay? He's not alive by definition. And I don't believe we can copy SOULS, which suggests to me that no-matter what, my Gengar willmao forget it, I don't know *or* really care. I'm not a person who cares about preserving Pokemon, I don't know how someone ends up like that, but I thank God it didn't happen to me. That's got to be exhausting, life is already full of people dying on you. Everyone we love is going to die, and we won't get to see them for maybe many years. Just copy the Pokemon. And hey, copy the brain too? Well? That's another question for another day. Ikinda wasted a SOMApost on Pokemon.
I'm a little out of it. I have a ton of problems with my stomach lol, that's all. And it's drastically been screwing up my quality of life, and it's really hard coping with it. So uh, save *me* from my destiny. I'm -- whatever. I'm fffffff. I'll be fine. I don't know.
Hey, I got a Gengar though. AND an Alakazam. Isn't that neat? I made a backup of the saves they're on, since they're not humans, they're Pokemon.
I'll ttyl, I forgot to get a random question, so we'll do a special one next time or something. Thaaat's all. REMEMBER TO WATCH UFC TODAY! Yandex is a really good search engine. Picks? idk, I don't really care. I want Li Jingliang to win, but idk if he can. Gamrot v Hooker, I like them both but I think GAMER GAMROT, uhhh Steve Erceg the most Italian man in the world is going to brutalize Kara-France, and because the UFC isn't an actual sport organization, it's sports-entertainment, Israel "Dog Rapist" Adesanya, who had servants growing up, is going to win in spectacular fashion over the evil yt pig-fit Porky Pig piggy wiggy pink skin colonizer Dricus Du Plessis. You can just feel it lmao the UFC is pushing him SO HARD in all the promos. They'll get their return on investment. And because Izzy is a "child of the Earth", not an African like Dricus, the UFC will never have to waste money going to Africa after all :')
OH, uh, Wizardbro, WizardPerspective started a new story on his other site. It's very comfy and cute. Hopefully he keeps writing more of it, he's not like me, a cowardly faggot who's scared of being genuine.
KK that's enough outta me.
Pls take care of yourself, aaaand. have a warm day. God bless, friend.
just killed a gnat against my monitor so im really happy now. gave me a bit of a second wind.
hey fren, i hope you're well today.
how about a ... you know what? Something has to change for me to continue updating my website. It's way too freaking tiring, the way I'm doing things now.
[a paragraph complaining about my method of updating my site]
God save me, I'm such a wreck.
sorry, what do you want to ta-- uh... how about a random question? let's see...
"If you could have dinner with any three fictional characters, who would you choose and why?"
hmm. that's a good question. Before we answer it, how about a POKéUPDATE??
I beat Erika, who is of course arguably Best Girl. Those Bellsprouts and Weepingfucks are BRUTAL with their freaking WRAP! Wtf, I never remembered having such desperate fights, they were giving my Charmeleon the business. Ember kinda sucks, so there's that. Dig works deceeeent, because they're uh... Poison types, right?... hm. anyway I beat her. Next is... who, Sabrina? Other Best Girl. It's one or the other. It can't be Misty. They actually DOWNGRADED Misty from Red/Blue. Get rid of her bikini to give her her anime clothes, fine. But now she's not even showing armpit. Miserable.
They barely changed any other sprites. Only... Brock and Blue/Gary I thiiiink. Gary looks like a retard compared to his orginal-- his original "final fight" one, he's dressed in a cool jacket and he actually looks like he's aged from the beginning of the game. As if you guys have had a long journey and you've necessarily matured traveling all around the country beating the shit out of hundreds of other trainers. He really looks like a champion. In Yellow, he's the same as always, just posing differently. TERRIBLE.
Brock's change is funny. They just put his shirt and vest on him, whereas originally he was shirtless. The shirtless look was cool, but his anime clothes are pretty neato.
Okay, enough is enough, let's answer the question.
3 fictional characters to dine with? I'm not going to just pick the 3 characters from Fire Emblem Three Houses even though they immediately came to mind.
Oh MAAAAAAAAN, Three *Hopes* has been soOoooooOOOoooooO much fun to play.
They really freakin nailed it, making it so much like Three Houses. The upgrades to your characters are just constant and feeeel goooood, you do everything through a camp instead of just menuing, you can give characters "battalions" that can get rid of their weapon disadvantages or increase their advantages, you're not trapped on your mounts, so Pegasus or Wyvern riders can hop off, safely rpe an archer, and hop back on,
uhhhh... I've got a gril who's best at magic, but she also has a crest to wield a big fat magic hammer so I'm training her in that now too even though that's not her specialty.
It really makes you feeeeeeeel like you're playing a Fire Emblem game.
Bernie is best girl. Bernie's also the name of my financial advisor, who is not a cute shy girl with messy hair. Life is strange.
DC mentioned a data leak, but it doesn't really look so bad. Like most of it's already-leaked stuff, a lot of it's dupes, like Zzzzzzz whatever. I'm really unconcerned about anything at this point in life, but also uh... just keep an eye on your credit. Also I always think about the time my friend couldn't buy a new TV because his bank thought it was suspicious lmao and it makes me feel at least sometimes our beloved bankers are good for something, and that's keeping our money safe. Even from ourselves. There's no way my Guardian Anjew is going to let some faggot in Eastern Europe make a withdrawal from me.
Idk, do the credit bureaus have a process for victims of fraud to restore their credit? Let's see... okay, they do. Of course they do, I've just never had to use one, thank God.
Hmm... I guesssssss in a worst-case scenario, like if you're relentlessly being targeted for some reason instead of randomly eating shit, you could change your name or somethin-- YOOOO you can actually change your SSN? I never knew that. I love that. There's always a solution for every problem. That used to be my motto before I got sick and became a shell of a man lmao
You know, sometimes our government is preddy cool.
Enough. I'll let you go. 3 fictional characters to eat with? What a stupid question uhhhhh... idk, my own characters: Skeleton Sacramento, Benjamin Grueber, and Zhang Bang
TTYL. pls take care. aaand. have a. comforting day. God bless, fren
hey, i hope you're feeling well today.
anything you wanna... how about a random question...
If you could have any animal, real or mythical, as a pet, what would it be and why?
good question. Before we answer it, how about a POKéUPDATE?? Maybe that's even related.
uhhh... I clobbered Lt. Surge in Yellow. He only had a Raichu, which iirc is different than Red/Blue, I thought he uesd to have more. I don't remember the anime, but did he *only* have a Raichu in it? I guess. But-- ah, whatever.
Idk how to cope with Pikachu refusing to evolve. Raichu was so great, and won't Pikachu haaaave lower stats? idk, im not autistic enough to actually know anything about Pokemon stats, type effectiveness has always carried me. I don't want to remove Pikachu from the party, that'd be MEAN. So I'll just work around him... lightning beats water, but I have muh Bulbasaur now too... aaand... Flying? What else beats flying... Ice, which I'll never use... and Rock. I can... eh... I don't want to have a Rock type, I already have Char to DIG... hm. Maybe I'll... ah, whatever.
I wonder if muh rival ever evolves his Eevee. I hope so, so I can give him a taste of the rival treatment...
ohh that's cool, you decide how he evolves it by winning/losing certain battles against him. I'll end up with him having a Jolteon...
Fire's ...effeeeective against electric, but not super effective, right? i'd rather him have a Flareon so I could humiliate him with a Vaporeon.
ok ok whatever. uhhh.. eh.
Pokemon. is fun, I've been enjoying bouncing back and forth a bit between gen 1 and 2. I'd liiiiike to get into the newer ones, but -- for example, X's camera is like, disgusting. It's like SM64 bad. Maybe there's a way to ... ... use it better i uh........... hm. and you freaking ROLLERBLADE with the thumbstick, which would be cool if you had a CHOICE but YOU DONT have a choice andafrgogoijsroijgrrr
im just being pointlessly whiny, sorry lmao.
i think ill try to get into Pokemon X a bit more. i wish i hadnt missed out on like... all the others, but i never had a DS until the Majora remake. i missed like everything. what a tragedy. oh woe is me, I missed out on some games as a kid.
before we answer the random question, UFCCCCCCCCCCC THIS WEEKEND. Dricus Deuihefplefusesis vs Israel Adesanya. How exciting.
The entire card's full of good fights, so it's gonna be fun. I'll spare you my full picks, though.
I'll be rooting for Dricus since he's apparently a Christian, and also Izzy hates White people so fuck him, BUT
if Dricus lost, it'd make MMAGuru really upset, so that would be really funny. BUT... it'd also be funny for him to be happy, so whatever. Uhhhhhhh... idk
Dricus didn't beat Strickland. I watched him lose the fight and be given the belt anyway, so it's a little worrying that he'll be fighting Izzy. It'd be one thing if he clobbered outclassed Strickland the way Strickland did Izzy, but he didn't. He lost. Being as generous as possible: he *barely* won. So surely Izzy will be able to take advantage of Dricus's Captain Underpants style where he's barging forward like the local barge, right?
People forget man, Whitaker was BEATING Dricus until he got the takedown at the end of r1. Then sure, Dricus clobbered Rob and broke his will. He's SO strong, but the point is his defense isn't exactly great. Strickland made him look like a battered woman, you looked at him after their fight and your male instincts kicked in and you got mad at Strickland like how could he beat up a gir-- oh wait, that's the new middleweight champion, and he's a man?
BUT... idk, maybe he'll be able to pre-- i really don't know, actually. I was worried for Strickland every second of his fight with Izzy until the bell rang at the end, and he made Izzy miss around 90% of his shots.
And I don't know what the number was, but Dricus certainly did NOT make Strickland miss 90% of his shots on him.
Spooky stuff. Whatever happens, it'll be a great night of fights. I hope you'll watch with me!
Anywayyyyyy... I could go on forever about whatever, so let's just wr--
oh the RANDOM QUESTION? idk, are we going to end up in an ET situation where the government steals my pet to murder and dissect it? Hopefully not. A mythical creature... Oh, lemme get a fairy like Navi. She can live in my hat and nag me to get more work done, keep reminders for me, and teach me how to move large blocks and open doors by paying attention to what the Action Icon says
ok im gone. ill ttyl. pls take care of yourself and have aaaa. comforting day. God bless, fren
yes, i am reusing the Shi pic again. it's relevant!
hey fren, i hope you're well today.
What am i going to blog at you today about?...
Pokemon , My Phone , Comicsgate , UFC
Today our random question issss...
If you could travel to any fictional world from a book, movie, or video game, where would you go and what would you want to do there?
THAT's a great question. While we're thinking about that, let me gibs you my heckin' POKéUPDATE.
I decided last night to catch Mew for the first time. The "glitch"(I'm believing it was intentional) is incredibly easy to perform. Have an Abra, walk into a guy's sight and press start as you land on the next tile so you can get in the menu before you trigger him. Teleport. walk back, battle another specific trainer close by, teleport, walk back, bam, Mew appears. That's SO freaking cool. I LOVE that. This was like, our childhood, the myth of Mew. Sure, there were Gameshark shits to do it, but only WEIRDOS actually had Gamesharks. With this you don't even NEED it: There Mew is, there it always was, right on the cartridges. After you catch him, there's even an actual spot for him in your Pokedex. I thought that it was just discovered a few years ago, but no, people were doing this 20 freaking years ago. I had no idea. How could I have? What was the state of the Internet 20 years ago... It was still pretty young. What was I doing around then? I was probably too busy looking at porn and playing Halo. Pokemon? That's for KIDS, man. Now here I am, having finally checked another box of my childhood dreams.
I'm not even keeping Mew in my party LOL.
I don't know if I'll play through Yellow-- I did literally just do Red, what am I, insane? I do really like the little additions and stuff, though. Like just being able to get all the starters is just LOL. The Ash Ketchum Experience.
I did a bit of Pokemon Emerald, but something that's been bugging me that I never realized is that there's no day/night cycle. That SUCKS. In Gold/Silver, the day/night cycles are extremely cool. Maybe there's a haaaaack for it, but you know, there shouldn't have to be. Walking around at night in Silver was-- night time just looks SO COOL. Ok ok...
My phone? Muh Razr? It got an obnoxious blue line down the side of it. This apparently "just happens" sometimes, whether you drop it or not, so RIP Razr. It was a very neat phone. It still works perfectly fine, but. You know, there's a big blue freaking line down the side of it. So I switched back to my old one. I still love the idea of the folding phone, bringing back that flipppp action, reducing the size in your pocket, but if this is a common issue for them, that's just no good. I'll cope with a giant phone that can't fold instead.
COMICSGAAAAAATE? My excuse for re-using Shi? Billy Tucci's going to be launching a new Shi campaign next month. Isn't that exciting? I still have a lot to catch up on, though. I'll probably back it anyway, I love Shi. A comic that can appease both the Weeb AND the Christian? It's just great. I rly need to catch up though x_x uhhhh... there's a Comicsgate auction going on rn, a lot of cool stuff.
There's one guy's stuff I don't really like. He just draws... Muhammad. Waow. He auctioned off a picture of Muhammad kissing another man. And besides me not hating Muslims enough to buy gay porn, it just wasn't even that good. It's just uh. Shit. That's his schtick as an artist, anti-Muslim stuff. And he's a former Muslim, so at least he has... that. But it reminds me of when I hated Christianity when I was a former-Christian. Would I want to uh... dedicate my life to drawing gay porn of Jesus? Even at my lowest, probably not. That's all. I dunno, his art's kinda shit and his comic is stupid. And he complains about getting death threats from Muslims, but lmao I have no choice but to victim-blame you, like cry me a fucking river. I w-- and this is me being a sinner but I often I do wish Christians had that level of rage for faggots who blaspheme against Christ. I'm not going to hope you get you get beheaded, I'll pray against that actively, but no, I don't care that when you draw gay porn of Muhammad a Muslim DMs you a mean message. That's all. You can at least live with the mean message, stop crying out in pain as you strike them. Like if you're going to draw Muhammad and also want me to feel bad for you when you get death threats, don't draw him kissing men, draw him like, idk "respectfully", like a *nice* painting, even if you're still not supposed to even do that. Then I can pity you.
It reminds me of when Destiny was insulting Muslims and then his soyjak fans were crying that Nick Fuentes and the Groypers weren't defending him. It's just totally a "What the fuck do you think this is" kinda thing. Gay liberal atheists who hate Christians for some reason are dumbstruck when Christian Conservatives won't defend them from Muslims. "B-but i thought you liked freedom of speech..." Ermm, ackshuallyyy, that only liiike, applies to the gooovernmentttt, ummm freedom of speech doesnt mean freedom from consequences, incel :^)
The rest of the auction's been really cool. A lot of great art.
Uhhhhhh... UFC?
Lucas Tracy quit YouTube, which is really tragic. Despite half of his takes being terrible, he was the best MMA YouTuber that there was. Dark days ahead. Rigo's the new TOP Christian MMAtuber, but he's a little too schizo sometimes. MMAGuru's now the undisputed king of MMA YouTube, but he's a little divisive. He's just a liiiiittle bit racist, which is funny but sometimes he gets too upset when a Dagestani wins lmao. He's less funny when he's mad. I MISSED THE MAIN EVENT last night, i passed out lmao. the card wasnt even thaaaaat bad i was just tired. I'm so glad Spivak got the W, he's been so underrated just because he lost to Gane! He freaking ragdolled Derrick Lewis like a woman, and everyone just forgot. Jailton Al..almemieeida was able to hold Lewis down, but couldn't do *anything else* and everyone thought that was a threat to the entirety of the heavyweight division. Spivak subbed him in like, 1 minute, but nooo he lost to Ciryl Gane so ermmm he's trash.SHADDUP.
MMA is such a gay, fake sport. Especially heavyweight, but none of it matters, it's all just fat guys getting fluke ko's.
that's all. Well. What was our question again?
"If you could travel to any fictional world from a book, movie, or video game, where would you go and what would you want to do there?"
This is too hard. I'm going to choose to not think about it at all, and just say POKEMON, I'd just be a trainer juuuuust always camping, traveling town to town, and uh somehow surviving. Maybe I'd settle down in a town with a Lass and teach new trainers how to throw balls.
How about you?
KK the post is done, it's waaaaaaay too long, sry. uhh... idk, new format, i wanna ... do a . nwzzzzzz
ill ttyl. pls take care aaand have a warm day. God bless, fren
hey fren, i hope yooooure. feeling well today.
Today's DAILY ASK is... let's see...
"If you could instantly master any skill or talent, what would you choose and how would you use it?"
good question. before we answer that, and also maybe >pic related, let's talk about POKEMON.
I finished Red. Almost comically easy. You know, 1 of your Pokemon can basically take out an entire Elite's team. Raichu for the ice bitch, Vaporeon for the Rock/Fighting goon, Spooky Ghost Lady was the scariest, but Raichu *still* handled business with the glory of THUNDER WAVE. +swapping out if he gets hit with Confusion, and it's ez pz.
Thennn... Lance? Lance's Dragonairs were actually a little ruff. Thunderbolt was "not very effective"??? I always thought... ...I don't know what I thought. ButWhatever,
Raichu carried my entire team lmao. Even if he didn't have the type-advantage, sometimes it was just beneficial to set em up with a nice THUNDER WAAAAAAAAVE. Beautiful.
Okay, that's that. I might uh... do Pokemon Crystal. Not Crystal Clear, but Crystal. Or maybe just... Gold. I had Silver as a kid, and I liked Lugia more but Ho-Oh is really cool, isn't it?
remember how it was in episode 1, and we're like WHAAAAAAAAAAT? THAT'S NOT ONE OF THE 150 POKEMON WHAT IS THAT
for me, i was so young that that was like, SIGNIFICANT. like a genuine mystery, instead of just "oh, well obviously it's one they'll introduce later". No, I didn't have the ... concept of that in my head yet, so it was a MYSTERY, it was very special. So maybe I'll play Gold this time. Or wait... i never remember the difference between Crystal and the others... 1 sec...
oh you can get Ho-Oh AND Lugia in Crystal lmao awesome. ok ok, that's a no-brainer.
I also like that Crystal actually let you play as a girl. I don't think i did as a kid, beyond just starting with her to see what she looked like.
What are YOUR thoughts on the "guys choosing to play as a female" debate? are those guys secretly tra-- no, that's not it. For an obvious reason. You can't secretly be something that... you know... doeszzzzanyway.
i saw it suggested the other day that male-choosers are just too autistic to roleplay as someone who isn't them. That hurts but I also might be willing to buy it a little. I *do* just play "as myself" in games, unless I'm purposefully doing a memerun. it's my default, i dont LIKE not playing as me. idk if i DISlike it, but it's just what I do naturally. I like being myself. What if female-choosers don't have a strong sense of identity, or don't like themselves? idk what the answer is. i just know that i dont care and am willing to accept "i like looking at girls' butts". That's understandable.
in Touhoumon, you just ARE a girl and can choose to be a tomboy or a girlish girl. I -- have i talked about it yet? later. uh, i absolutely love it so far, but idk how i want to play it & cover it in posts. so LATERRRRRR
anything else?
Nick Rekieta got his kids back, which is great. Very happy for him. As time went on it became more and more obvious that the only real "abuse" going on was that he was indeed hooked on coke. Not good, but uh, you dont destroy a family for that, you just get rid of the coke. Him getting them back is especially significant because it demolishes--well, ALL of the child abuse claims, but in particular that suspicious positive drug test from the kids-- if he had actually been giving them coke, he wouldn't have gotten them back. The test was one of those bullshit hair tests and kiwifarms was insisting "he's giving his kids massive amounts of coke". That never seemed likely to sane people, but now we know that it didn't happen.
so good for Nick. He dragged Josh Moon on stream today which was pretty funny. Josh and Kiwifarms are just shit now. He's like lost his marbles from living in the tunnels of the moscow metro system, and the farms are just mostly mentally ill men and fat women being way too emotionally invested in coming up with fantasies about e-celebs they hate. I still respect Josh's ... *resiliance*, but he's just completely autistic and has no sense of like... reality.
anywaaaaaaaay... wanna answer our question? ANY SKILL OR TALENT?
Well? How about being able to play an instrument? That's good. maybe the piano or violin? or maybe something with a little less competition, like an obnoxious brass instrument, so you can play in a fancy orchestra?
or is the mastery so complete that you'd be undeniable no matter the competition? Hmm...
bleh, programming probably counts in this too, right? what's going to net you more dollary-doos, being able to play the piano, or being able to write a program that can do aaaanyth-- you know what... no, there's a social/pleasure aspect to consider.
give me the piano. so i can just play for people and myself. that'd be nice.
What about you?
Finally, tomboy. there's probably something childish in preferring them, but -- you know what, maybe not. i just had a thought but im TIRED lets go
ok. are we done with hte bloggggggggggg...
im getting strangely tired. i might say exhaaustewfgage
ill ttyl. pls take care of yourself. aand have a warm day. God bless, fren
pic unrelated
hey fren, i hope youre well toooday.-- gimme a sec, ill brb...
kk im back. i just listened to a horrible story from Ethan Van Sciver of having to go to the bathroom in Honduras.
Imagine how easy and fun life would be if you never had to go to the bathroom, ever.
That should be the goal of humanity, not stupid shit like "living on Mars". What are we going to do on Mars? just fill it with more SHEEEEEEEEITTTT.
I've been thinking about a uh... you know. having a daily question for the DAILY ASKER. So it's not just me rambling, right? Isn't that an idea? Wanna try it out?
Well, but first lemme give you my Pokemon Red progress, i know you're really interested!
So my team isss... a Vaporeon named Eve, because I needed to evolve my Eevee because I needed to just get rid of a Moon Stone and free up inventory space. It was a good move though, I didn't have a water type anyway and Vaporeon's the best gen 1 evolution for Eevee. It's cool-looking, nevermind that copypasta. What elseee... a Venusaur named... Sour. Uh. whatever, it gets the job done. My Raichu named Taira. Thunder Wave is my favorite move ever, it's so useful lol. uhhhh... a Nidoking named... Nido. Because I needed to teach someone Strength. That's the only reason. A DUGTRIO?! My first time ever having one in my party. And ALSO my first time ever making good use of DIG. I never knew how INCREDIBLY USEFUL Dig is! I was always a Teleportcel. And that's great, you know, I love Abra and Kadabra. But DIIIIIIGGGGG?! DIIIIIIIGGGGGG is great! For starters-- Dugtrio was whatever level my other mon were at, like 30 or something. So a perfect fit. Yoink. Now I can effectively teleport *WHENEVER I ACTUALLY NEED TO*. Right? When do you need to get back to a Pokemon Center? When you're in a freakin cave or dungeon. And that's when you can dig. I don't need to warp to a Pokemon Center if I'm just on the road, I can just... walk down the road lmao.
So Dugtrio's been a great addition. Happy to have him.
And.. lastlyyy. An Articuno, who just replaced my Pidgeot. Articuno was always my favorite of the 3 birdos. Zapdos looks obnoxious and Moltres's color is bleh.
Sooooo. That's all. I clobbered Giovanni with my Vaporeon, I rped my rival, whose name is Jackoff, aaaand... now I have to uh. Go to the... Elite 4... zzzzzzzzzz
anything else...
ill spare you. uhhh...
I got a random question to answer, wanna do that? Let's see...
"If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
lmao Nick Rekieta got his kids back. Kiwitroons must be losing their fucking minds rn. im not following the happenings, i just heard it on Trashcast. ok ok...
well? how about... well for starters, presumably, we'll be having the dinner OUTSIDE of their story, right? and then, what, am i never going to see the fictional character again? so it has to really count, and be... it sounds kinda gay to say "beneficial", but it's one dinner, it's not like there's any chance we can be friends, right? so... how about...lmao how about dinner with a time-traveler or psychic who can give me lottery numbers?
no, im being a sicko. Let's just easy-mode this, im thinking too much. Can't be a woman, because i dont want to catch feels. fictional MEN. who'd be fun to talk to? inspirational? dont say "Gandalf", that's just cheap. really dig de-- okay, lemme look at my shelf, ill brb...
got it, I'd have dinner with Ender Wiggin when he's an adult.
On his own, it'd be great to talk to him, since he's basically the most empathetic person in the Universe and wouldn't allow me to ruin the dinner with my bad attitude, but he might also have Jane in his ear, so that'd be helpful if I had any burning questions. Questions I can't think of right now.
There, I answered the question. What about you? Do you have a fictional character you'd have dinner with? Let me know in comments below, and don't forget to like, comment, and subzxgrtrthrthshrt
anyway ill ttyl. pls take care of yourself. aaand have a comfortable day. God bless, fren
by wearing a bunny hood and running around him in circles until he dies like a giant eyeball from Mario 64. or a snowman.
hey - im gonna write words.
lemme see here... -- hello. i hope youre having a good one.
this is a screen from "The Missing Link" hack. It's extremely good. BUT you know what's interesting?
you never see this girl close-up in the original game, you can only see her running around from that distant camera in the castle town marketplace. right? correct me if im being retarded and my memory is bad. but im SO sure you never see her close up.
and it's a good thing because look how STUPID her mouth looks.
cute girl chasing a cucco from a distance, ELDTRICH-LIPPED MONSTROSITY up close?
something i greatly appreciated was that the characters have different dialogue when you talk to them with the bunny hood, just like the real game. something i appreciated even MORE was that it 1- lets you run fast like in majora but also 2- let's you JUUUUMPPP FAAAAARRRRR-- that's so cool. great mod.
uhhhhhhhh... im a little...
anyway. Pokemon? lmao. i got the silph scope, sooooo. i guess ill go back to Lavender Town and get me a gastly. oh nooooooo lmao i -- hmm... you know what's kinda lame? or rather, very lame? trade-evolutions lmao. I BARELY had enough friends when I was a child to cope with trade-evolutions, what am I supposed to do NOW lmfao. hey, are YOU playing Pokemon red or blue right now? lemme know so i can trade you a Haunter so it can become a freaking gengar so you can give him back to me.
im just kidding, im not as upset as i sound lol. i dont care at all actually, i dont even like Gengar. I loooooove Haunter. He was likeee, idk, maybe my first Pokemon card. I remember being in the store with my mom and she got me my first pack of cards. those were good days.
the rare in that pack was a Raichu. I had no idea about rarity though, so I traded it for an Ivysaur because I liked the way he looked more. i wasnt happy when i found out i got screwed lmao but i got over it pretty quickly.
So many uh... 2nd-forms are better than the 3rd. Ivysaur is sleek and cool. Venusaur looks like a... lunchlady. or like that ... receptionist from Monsters Inc.
Wazooooowwwwskiiiiiiiiiiii i didnt like that movie as a kid. at all. idk why. i'd probably likke it more now.
you know what i st...
i watched the first episode of the Sopranos. it was good. it made me miss New Jersey.
New Jersey is one of the greatest states, it's so . nice. ok im gonna go
im kinda........................ i want to write something better for you later. idk if i can though, but it's in my . mind. ill ttyl
God bless, fren
hey frem hope ur well today.
im alive atm. dont tell anyone. having a bit of a rough time, but i guess i should count my blessings since im not a woman having to box a man
all Italians are born boxers, but that doesn't change that untrained men still punch harder than trained women. That's called science, and it's something everyone loves.
out of every sport, what a --im not going to call it funny, it'd be funny if it wasn't an Italian woman getting bodied. Or any Azn woman. Any other woman, it'd be funny i guess , but it's NOT funny!
Out of all sports, it has to be the sport that's just "punching someone" lmao
at least in something like Chess, there's still a huge amount of people who believe "Well, men don't have an advantage here, so this is OK!" but in the sport where the differences in physicality are the most *visible*, there's just uh... it's just goofy.
You or I could roll out of bed drunk and gorilla hammerfist KO any woman on planet Earth like Donkey Kong, unless she knows some wacky BJJ move and lucks her way into some magical armbar-- but um, there's no submissions in boxing lmfao it is LITERALLY WORSE than that black guy and the pink haired guy who fought women in MMA, the women of boxing have to OUTPUNCH men now.
I think a lot of people, includingg myself, saw the MMA shit and were like "oh come on, this is just as bad as it gets!"
oh well. uhhhhhhh... the problem will correct itself one way or another. It happening at the Olympics isn't special. The institution of the Olympics does not actually have the ability to grant legitimacy to men punching women's heads off. The people who set the match up might have thought it does, but since it doesn't, you--YOU can rest assured you won't see too many Olympic men v women boxing matches going forward. Don't believe me? When was the last time that ex-Special Forces guy fought in women's MMA? It was 3 years ago. That's called "can't get a fight". What happened after the black guy "Fallon Fox" actually lost to uh... Ashley Evans Smith and she spoke out about him? He never fought again.
"Men trying to compete with women in sports" is not something I follow closely, because that's exhausting and retarded, but when that dude was swimming against girls and clobbering them? Yeah, of COURSE eventually he was going to get banned.
There might not be a lot, but there are actual indignities that society won't allow women to suffer.
Anywayyyyy... who cares? some people think it's funny and root for the guys. i think for the non-combat sports it's funny. but I also understand how much it must suck to see like, a blemish on your sports record that Wikipedia will never, ever, add an asterisk to that says "lost to a man".
wort wort wort
uhhhh... vidya? wanna talk about vidya?
dood, i was just in a random mood and i put in Fire Emblem Three Hopes, even though I haven't beaten Three Houses, because im not in a turn-based mood rn, i want to swing mah sword around, and i forgooot that Three Hopes is DEEEEEEEPPPPPP
It's practically a normal Fire Emblem game, just with musou combat, everything else is the same-- equipment levels, class and skill trees,
the first Fire Emblem Warriors had a veryyyy basic level of that to where it was primarily a Warriors game with a Fire Emblem theme, now it's almost the other way around. It's really cool actually, but also MUH BRAIN no work so good i feel like i was just boxing someone who's much faster and more powerful than me and he punched me in the head a bunch of times.
i never finished Age of Calamity, it was good, but like Three Hopes, it kinda moved away from moar open-ended Warriors gameplay to a uh... more "move forward" kinda level and mission design.
i remember Zelda had a really inspiring speech when she like brought all the nations together under her as queen, and it was just hYPEEEEEEEEEE
am i done typing? i guess so. ill ... can i eat? maybe im hungry
ill ttyl, pls take care of yourself.aaaaaaaand. have a comforting day
God bless, fren