09/27 State of the Ask
Hey fren, hope you're well today.
I'm just gonna. Ramble a bit, idk. [complaining about life redacted: I'm alive, thank God]
What else? I got a copy of Cash Grab lmao. The writer's this guy, CECIL, who's a fren of the ComicsGate guys. And he's funny. And he had them on sale, so I'm like ye I will purchase your comic funny man. You know, the character's a fat ugly bastard. Just like Cecil irl. No, he's not ugly--he's Italian, that's impossible. But he is OLD, he's 50. And God bless him, he's dating a 26 year old lmao
Those OLD FUCKS, the "ComicsGate Kings" are some of the most entertaining streamers I've ever listened to. Maybe it's just because I like them. When you like someone, you think they're funnier.
Do you like me?
I wish I was playing Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom rn, but Amazon didn't have preorders for some reason. And I don't feel like... going to get it. That's like, a thing of the past. But so are physical copies, which is what I want anyway. There's no WaaaAAAAAAAAaaaay I'm going to get A DIGITAL COPY, THAT'D BE CRAZY. What will I do when Nintendo dies, which will SURELY happen before ME, and I can no-longer redownload my beloved copy of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom? Exactly.
No, I don't care. I am going to wait to order a physical one, but I've got enough sheeeeit to playlmao.
I have to try out the DS Fire Emblemmmmm, I have some Phoneix Wriiiiight games to playyyyy, I wanna try out Professor Laaaaayton, I've got 2 more Castlevaaaaanias to beat,
you know, the DS is prettyyyy cool. Now I've got the MM nu3DSXL, a DSi, a DS Lite, aaaand a DS my high school gf gave me. I never even played it back then, ever. Not even once. It just sat in my dresser for years upon years.
Now I'm playing with it all the time. Even more than the others, because it's got the GBA slot and I got a GBA cart. Life is funny.
im so tired
The Sopranos has been. pretty good. mostly good. It's entertaining. Really though, Tony's family life is... it's well done, but uh, I don't care. I really just want to see gangsters doing business and killing each other, I don't really need to see Meadow dating a half-black jewish boy and Tony disapproving of it--only because he's half-black of course, because Tony doesn't care about religion at all--or AJ being kicked out of school for being retarded. That's not super interesting. It's done well enough, though.
The charaaaaaacters are all so great. You know who I like? Bobby, the gigantic fatso who takes care of Uncle Junior. He's my favorite. I love him, I don't like him. He eats so much shit for his weight(pun intended) and he just copes and does his job. He's cool and funny and lovable.
Who else do I like... Furio. I love Furio. He's cool and he has a cool nose.
ARTIEEEEEE the cook I LOVE HIM, i just love everyone. They're all just great.
It's such peak redditry to dismiss them all as "sociopaths" and "bad people". They're humans. They're kiiiiiiinda bad people, sooooooometimes. But that's enough Sopranoposting rn.
i cant remember if i wanted to... say anything else... uhhh... Longbottom later i think.
You and me
A madman and his Angel to their final trip
Drifting in a sullen sea, identities
Divided by a tiny line we cannot see
But I can feel your presence right here
Hey fren, hope you're well today. It's a variety post today. Right?
Music first?
Identities is a song from the album Stream of Consciousness, I'm in a big Vision Divine mood atm
I used to listen to so much random Italian metal when I was younger, but nothing stuck with me much as Vision Divine. At the time I started listening to them... let's see... the singer of Stream of Consciousness, Michele Luppi, was already gone, and replaced with the original singer, Fabio Leone, who is NOW the lead singer of Angra, a Brazilian band.
Michele Luppi was my favorite. I actually haven't heard enough of the new guy, Ivan Giannini, to compare, but I definitely already like Ivan. And also, more than Fabio.
Fabio's a good singer, he just has a uh... idk, maybe I just didn't like his songs as much. Although, Violet Loneliness was good enough for my comfy bedtime playlist back then.
Yeah, you know what? It's not Fabio's fault, it's the songs.
You know, my girlfriend in high school made fun of him, and by extension me, because of the way he uh, "holds" notes, you know? Idk the technical term for it, but instead of Aaaaaaaaaaaaa, he tends to AAaaAaAaaAaAAaAaa, you know? That BITCH actually made fun of-- lmao she was such a little fuck.
Michele Luppi doesn't do that though, I should have made her listen to one of his songs instead.
Luppi's albums were the ones I was most familiar with anyway: Stream of Consciousness, The Perfect Machine, the 25th Hour. Especially The Perfect Machine, thaaaaaaaat was a masterpiece. The story of humans discovering immortality but it leaves them unable or unwilling to reproduce. God goes off on them in "God is Dead"-- way cooler and less-gay than another song called "God is Dead"
So he tells the people He's out.
In "Now That You've Gone", the people realize that even with "perfect lives" they're not happy without God.
Life faded away
To a black pitch nightmare
The World... Rotting inside...
Got no feelings anymore to share with others
We don't even have the need to make new children
In the end, after 4,000 years of stagnation, it's reported that a new baby was born somewhere, signaling God's returned and is answering their prayers again.
I love it, it's a great album, a great story, and a great message.
Is it unfair to suggest that even given immortality, humans can't be happy without God?
I know it sounds like it, but it's not.
How many times, in regards to Heaven, do we have to hear some variation of "Living forever would be so boooooooooring" either about what you'd be doing in Heaven, or just in general
No I think on the contrary, living forever could only not be boring with God, doing God things. Throwing wrenches in our plans, forcing us to cope and seethe and problem-solve. And loving us, and being loved by us. Any interpretation of Heaven relies on God, it's not about what we want, it's about what He wants, (And That's A Good Thing) and being in His prescence for it.
im so tired it's unreal.
What uh... what picture am I using here... oh, Virgin and Chad. I just wanted to note Chad Virgin is basically Rei Jeong from HP Longbottom, but Rei's not flat. I have nothing else to say about the image. Obviously Chad Virgin's better.
Any more music talk? No, DS talk
INDEED i got a DS Lite, and I'm really impressed with it. So then I got a DSi, which is in better shape than the Lite, so I've been plaaaaaaayan it moar. Castlevania, ... Dawn of Sorrow. Wh.. ....you play as Soma Cruz, it's the sequel to thezzzzzzzzzAria of Sorrow
i just reminded myself of the Netflix-Castlevania series written by a [be nice] and I put myself in a bad mood. i do that too often.
"Church Bad" is lazy writing, sorry. Sure, it OFFENDS me too, but that's unrelated, you're just a bad writer. Whatever the [be nice]'s name is, I don't even know. Netflixvania, AmazonLOTR, all this ugly trash I'm gonnalmao i, im sorry im being negative now. anyway unlike Netflixvania, Dawn of Sorrow's preeeetty cool.
im a little out of it sry sry.
pls just take care.
havea cozy day. God bless, fren
Why you let the things you did get so out of hand
(Jesus Christ Superstar is way too kind to Judas, but its saving grace is that it does portray Christ's divinity)
HellOOOOOOO friendo, I hope you're well today. Pic unrelated as always, serving only to get you into the blog post.
It's a very exciting blog post, though. Only a few topics. Uhhh...
Last time, when I was talking about Asian UFC fighters, I FORGOT that I wanted to get more into short fighters in general. Being a man of average height is like being a mutt. You're pulled in either direction. I can either side with lanklets or dwarves. You know who was a dwarf? Gimli. Did you know that in the books, Gimli actually got more kills than Legolas? That's right, the movies lied. Lanklet propaganda. The dwarf took the W over the elf.
All of my favorite fighters are short. Why? Because they're the best fighters. Here, consider this:
Who's widely regarded as the GOAT of MMA, besides Jon Jones(roid cheat) and GSP (Canadian)?
Das rite, Mighty Mouse, at what, 5'3? That's quite a mighty mouse.(Just retired, good for him)
Now, who actually IS the greatest of all time? DAS RITE, Alexander Volkanovski, at 5'5. Still short.
Basically every Muay Thai fighter? Short.
Saenchai? 5'5. Unbeaten for TEN YEARS, with ONE draw against...
Das rite, an Italian. The only thing more powerful than being short. Being short keeps you grounded, but all ground is Italy.
It all makes perfect sense.
No, that's all. Height's a uh, thing. Short guys have to work harder than other people, and I feel for them. Because for every Volkanovski, there's a thousand George Costanzas.
And it's not like I'm 6'6, so I DON'T LIKE LANKLETS, FILTHY LANKLETS calling ME short, so how can I then turn around and disrespect another man's height? Guys are out there having their fucking legs broken to get an extra few inches, it's ruff.
Where is this going now? Why do men break their legs? They don't do it to improve their fighting, they do it to peacock for women. Is this a Dating Post? Eh... no. I really just wanted to praise short fighters without exclusively glazing Asian ones like last time.
That said, Tatsuro's my boy and he's going to be the Flyweight Champion, believe it.
Let's just move on... uhhh
Oh, speaking of SHORT, the "Ever-Shrinking God". As I was falling asleep last night, I remembered another criticism of it, as if it needed another one. What was it though... oh lmao. The idea that God is only responsible for things we don't understand. It's a complete misunderstanding of what-- idk, probably *any* religion's idea of a god, but I can only speak to Christianity. Science isn't like, a scoreboard and every time we discover literally-anything that was previously not understood, we add one point to Science and deduct one point from God. Everything we don't know, AND everything we DO know, comes from God. That's uh, the point. He's the one who makes it all work. Sounds like cheating, doesn't it? But it's not a game, truth is necessarily unassailable. "Nooooo that's unfalsifiable!" has never been a good argument against God. "Well well well, isn't it sooo convenient that I can't prove you wrong!" Yes it is convenient, I'm sorry. That's all, not complicated. This "Ever-shrinking" concept seems to suggest at the end of the Universe, a final stone will be unturned, and there will be no bearded wizard underneath it, and at long last the dastardly theists will be all out of places to hide. That's not how Christians believe God to be. Endlessly repeating "magic skydaddy" might had some kind of uh... self-gaslighting effect that made Atheists believe that Christians believe that God is literally just Dumbledore in outer space. Maybe I'm putting more thought into it than they are. Probably, I don't remember.
Atheism, particularly anti-Christianity/Antitheism is full of all these little... memes. This, the "Problem of Evil", this stuff used to be like "WHOAAAAA!" to me. I couldn't see the flaws in them, I guess maybe because I just didn't want to. Or uh, you just don't BOTHER to. There's a certain amount of energy you're willing to spend critiquing your own belief system, the things you want to believe. I wanted to be an Atheist, so I let a lot slide. Christians let things slide, everyone lets things slide. But anyway, this issss just a bad argument soooo DAS ALL.
What's next...
The debate? I'm so tired. The debate sucked. Trump did FINE, he did AVERAGE, but Kamala's voice is agony. I said this last night, Hilary Clinton's voice did not HURT me the way hers does.
Uh, faaaacts? The moderators desperately tried to #factcheck a bit of Trump's hyperbole, but it didn't go great for them. Idr which point it was, but Trump actually Uno-reverse factchecked that gay bugman moderator and that was pretty funny.
Kamala's plan to save America by giving everyone a bunch of money was interesting.
It's a uh. Probably a bad sign for the health of a nation when one of the most important issues is "cumming inside pussies without having babies" Don't get me wrong, I love lmao im sorry i have to commit now, I love cumming inside pussies, and I HATE responsibility, just like a proper modern penis-haver. Modeling a country after my youth isn't a good idea, I think.
It's just not good for the mental health, or spirit of a nation. The abortion experiment, the feminism experiment, the sexual "liberation" experiment, they've all been tried for many decades. Before you or I were born. According to Science, the thing that everyone loves, women--and men--are not happier than they were in decades past. Just look around you, you don't need a study to confirm it(though they do). So we know that the experiments of abortion, feminism, and sexual "liberation" have failed. If people care about "mental health" as much as they claim to, it's probably a good idea to, as our dear Vice President said, move foward, not backward.
The "question" about Trump mocking Kamala for pretending to be black or White depending on the situation wassssssssssssssss. You know. Not really a question as much as a waste of troubling waste of time.
What were some oth... I should have written this fresh, I'm sorry. It was such a misery I've forgotten half of it.
Trump's right about the border, obviously. Uh, his take on diplomacy is just, great. Like it's just great. Imagine having a President who other world leaders will talk to, even "adversarial" ones. It's supposed to be a bad thing that Trump is capable of having a rapport with Putin and Xi and Kim because "nooooooo they're da bad guys". But lmao
Trump be like "If elected, before I'm even in office, I will end the war in Ukraine with a phone call."
Kamala be like "I solemnly swear to send 6 million American boys to fight Russia just in time for winter."
She really does believe in post-birth abortion.
Uhh, what else? Israel? Let's not talk about it.
lol I KNOW that when Trump said "If she's elected, Israel will not exist in a year" there were some "now wait a sec..."s
Let's not talk about it.
Oh, the Trump Tax? lmao. It was pretty funny that the current administration kept Trump's tariffs, I didn't know that. Uhh, idk, assuming that Kamala was right, and that's really being extremely generous, it'd be what... a tax on imported goods? I have to doubt Kamala's "world's greatest economists'" estimation of a +$4000/year expense per household. I just have no choice. I mean, we're working blind here from the get-go. It's essentially a make-believe number, but let's try to figure it out anyway. In order to reach that number, assuming this "Trump Tax" is under 100%, we(you and I) need to be spending $4000 a year on foreign goods. Foreign food, maybe? Idk, remember, this is all just Kamala saying "trust me bro". We import a lot of... vegetables from Mexico, some from Canada...
You know what? I'm boring myself now, I can only imagine what I'm doing to you. So let's look at this another way:
Russia is the world's largest producer of wheatlmao. We can have a president who wants to go to war with the world's largest producer of wheat, or we can have a president who is on friendly terms with the leader of Russia. There, I solved whateverthefuck the mysterious "Trump Tax" was. And since the moderators didn't try to #factcheck Trump when he #factchecked Kamala, I'll just assume it's a nothingburger anyway.
Public healthcare doesn't work in America. And no amount of money being pumped into it will make it work. This probably deserves its own post
ENVIIIIIIIRONMENTTTTTTTTT? same issue. Kamala bragging about "investing"(wasting) 1 trillion dollars in -- uh... ??? what was it again? idr, I just know the environment's still in grave danger--an "existential threat" despite 1 trillion dollars, so that's no good. Time to move foward.
That's all I can bear to remember rn. What a waste of time.
Next time let's talk about something fun.
I'll ttyl, pls take care. God bless, fren
Hey friend, i hope you're feeling well today.
wanna help me clear some of my notes again?
let's see what I wrote...
"The Vyzpzz are highly-intelligent sissies" LOL
Okay, that's an Ethan Van Sciver quote. He did a preview of the new Cyberfrog book a few days ago. It looks amazing. But some people don't like that the Vyzpzz are basically SJWs and Ethan was reading their dialogue in an obnoxious gay voice. Because it makes them less COOL. Right? But uh... good. They're villains. Idk why people want villains to be COOL or SEXY. These are alien murder hornets that invaded Earth and are turning people into blood honey. They're assholes. Why would the words that come out of their mouths *not* be spoken with obnoxious faggy voices?
Maybe I'm biased because I love EVS's "gay voice". It's so, excuse my language, FUCKING funny that I can't stand it. (Also it wasn't even serious, they're alien wasps, they don't talk like humans, they Bzzzzz. But it really bothered some people!)
But no, you tell me. I'm going to go grab my copy of Rekt Planet, and I'll give you some of the Vyzpzz dialogue. You tell ME if they sound "COOL" or "BADASS". 1 sec... ok, here's some quotes from them when they're fighting Cyberfrog:
"These are the consequences of your actions!!"
"I'm sorry that happened to you."
"Still waiting for any accountability from you."
"Now is not the time to defend yourself. Now is not the time for you to do anything. Except reflect and think about how you can...
Be better."
Are those COOL, RAD, AWESOME, BADASS, SEXY villains?
No, they're vile, nasty left-feminist twitter warriors.
And That's A Good Thing. I saw a guy say that it's too "on the nose" and somehow "lacking nuance", but that's retarded. I'm not the only one--in fact, I will say that 100% of people who read Cyberfrog 2 went nuts when the Vyzpzz started talking like that. It was *PERFECT*, and you know why it's perfect? Because it's REAL. That's how those insufferable fucking --sry. That's how those People of Twitter actually talk, which is why it was so effective. Nuance? They're fucking LITERAL INSECTS.
Everyone wants the Devil to be a handsome brooding misunderstood genius, but you know what? Besides being untrue, that's BORING. We've seen enough of it already. Before I was even born, and for my entire life, pop culture has been simping for evil. It's old. *yawn* I think it's way cooler to have swarms of giant killer wasps that talk like 20 year old Communist assholes. THAT'S realistic.
I've gone on a bit long, sry. What else did I write in my notes?...
"Young Earth Creationism causes less harm to society than Atheism" True, but that probably deserves a full article when I'm feeling better. What else...
"Gilbert Burn's shirt". lol on Saturday Gilbert Burns was walking around in some cool Japanese shirt with Jesus Christ holding a sword or something, I didn't get a good look. It was a coooool freaking shirt. Sad Burns lost, happy that he lolst to a man who crossed himself though.
"If Rong Zhu was White, the fight wouldn't have been stopped" Ah, Zhu took an elbow that made his eye swell shut, and I couldn't help but feel that if he was White it wouldn't have been as bad. And I feel that because it's uh, true. You know, our eyes are different. That swelling would not have completely-covered a White or Black man's eye. It wasn't insignificant at all, but *that level* of swelling, we've seen other fighters be allowed to continue. That sucks. Asianbros, not like this. There's so few of them in the UFC, they're all in ONE or --the other's named, i cant remember(edit:Rizin)-- or SOME might argue Azn men just aren't made for combat sports. And it's like, yeeeahthey're often SHORT, but in 2024, when they're putting estrogen in our water that we then have to pour into our plastic bottles, it's not really hard to compete with other men in terms of testosterone. I mean, there's what, zero Indian men ranked in the UFC. Can they not fight either? I'm not denying GENETICS I'm just saying if I lmao if I was a Japanese man, I'd probably be comfier fighting for Rizin. I'm sure not everyone is just ITCHING to come fight in Las Vegas when they can already fight in their own backyards for enough money.
Anyway, Tatsuro Taira's fighting the #1 guy Brandon Royval next month. If he wins, maaaaan, Pantoja's next. We could have our first Japanese champion. That'd be crazy. Pantoja's 9 years older than Tatsuro. At flyweight, that might as well be 20 years. Well, it'll be entertaining no matter what.
Gone on too long again, sry. What other notes do we have...
"Harry calling Cho a succulent Chinese meal" Okay, I can cross that one off, I already did that...
"Dad, I can knock her up any time you say!" another EVS quote lmao his son was offering to give him a grandchild. Isn't that sweet? I love family. Life is beautiful, isn't it?
That reminds me, Ana "That Star Wars Girl" is having her baby in December, and that's great. I never followed her but she's frens with all of the Comicsgate guys, so I've been tuning in to her streams a bit, and she's funny. And she's growing a person inside her. Isn't that something?
There's a uhh... idk if I want to get into this. I think the whole "Alien chestburster" meme is very gay. It's like just gay and evil to, idk, COUNTERSIGNAL pregnancy. Women go through hell, but they do it for such a beautiful reason. Let's just move on or it'll never end.
"Don't call him gay, he's a commercial real estate broker" quote from my dad. That's funny, that's all. i will not explain it.
"Black metal band playing shitty music in front of a beautiful castle" uh. hm.... Zzzzzzz
"'The ever-shrinking god' argument from Atheists is false because new questions necessarily arise from new answers" Not complicated, not deep, it was just never a good argument.
"I love writing something, forgetting about it, and reading it again months later and cracking myself up" I'm so funny. HA-HAAAAAAA! Whatt else...
"AM radio" i guess i wanted to look into that "thing" going on with AM radios in cars, but i never did. i dont care, let's keep going...
"the host from The Atheist Experience dressed in a leather bdsm outfit speaking at a Satanist convention" i love this, but i keep-- im torn because as hilarious as it is, i rly dont want to be mean to the guy, i used to WATCH HIS SHOW every week, it's just so *perfect*, the uh... downward trajectory. But you know, it's not right to uh................. it wouldn't be right.
"The joker isnt" i was probably going to say the joker isn't cool, and that probably had something to do with the Vyzpzz. Okay that's enough.
that's it for now. we did good, right?
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz well, i hope you're having a good and a warm day. pls take care of yourself. God bless, fren.
day after day
With knick-knacks on the floor, nooks and crannies
I live in a tiny world
Hey fren, hope you're well today.
Today was Ethan Van Sciver's 50th birthday. Imagine being 50.
Where does the time go?
This video is 7 years old, isn't that crazy? What was even going on 7 years ago? I can barely remember last year. How'd you like to go back 7 years? Idk if I would actually, that's kinda when my life started going downhill after leaving my hometown lmao
Day after day.
Anyway that's the singer of Vision Divine, Ivan Giannini. 7 years ago he wasn't the singer of Vision Divine. I'd never have known about him if he hadn't joined them, I'm glad he did.
"this anime must be seen" What a bold statement, Ivan. I believe you.
I haven't been watching anything, I've just been playing vidya to distract myself from the constant pain that I'm in.
Muh "refurbished"(whatever that means) DS Lite came in today. It's in not-so-bad shape when I consider that it's what, at least 13 years old?
No thumbpad is RUFF, but I like it overall, it's. Small. I like small things.
I guess that anime is about a small girl, idk. Ivan said it must be seen, and I trust him because I like his singing.
I bet it has a sad ending though. Miyazaki, huh? What happened in Spirited Away, again... Dragonboy did say they'd meet again, right? That's not just something you SAY for fun, he surely meant it. Right? Of course he'd find... what's her name again? I can... didn't the witch call her Sen? But her name was... Chihiro I think. I'm not going to look it up, I'm gettigg a headache. Wow, look at the time. The clock's always ticking.
Uhh... that's all. ill ttyl. pls take care of yourself and. have a comfortable day. God bless, fren.
day after day
With knick-knacks on the floor, nooks and crannies
I live in a tiny world
Hey fren, hope you're well today.
Today was Ethan Van Sciver's 50th birthday. Imagine being 50.
Where does the time go?
This video is 7 years old, isn't that crazy? What was even going on 7 years ago? I can barely remember last year. How'd you like to go back 7 years? Idk if I would actually, that's kinda when my life started going downhill after leaving my hometown lmao
Day after day.
Anyway that's the singer of Vision Divine, Ivan Giannini. 7 years ago he wasn't the singer of Vision Divine. I'd never have known about him if he hadn't joined them, I'm glad he did.
"this anime must be seen" What a bold statement, Ivan. I believe you.
I haven't been watching anything, I've just been playing vidya to distract myself from the constant pain that I'm in.
Muh "refurbished"(whatever that means) DS Lite came in today. It's in not-so-bad shape when I consider that it's what, at least 13 years old?
No thumbpad is RUFF, but I like it overall, it's. Small. I like small things.
I guess that anime is about a small girl, idk. Ivan said it must be seen, and I trust him because I like his singing.
I bet it has a sad ending though. Miyazaki, huh? What happened in Spirited Away, again... Dragonboy did say they'd meet again, right? That's not just something you SAY for fun, he surely meant it. Right? Of course he'd find... what's her name again? I can... didn't the witch call her Sen? But her name was... Chihiro I think. I'm not going to look it up, I'm gettigg a headache. Wow, look at the time. The clock's always ticking.
Uhh... that's all. ill ttyl. pls take care of yourself and. have a comfortable day. God bless, fren.